I recently began taking a big interest in SERV International and the amazing work they are doing in The Dominican Republic and Kenya. Ahead of a trip to Kenya I decided to dive in and get my feet wet with a Dominican trip first. What I experienced was greater than I ever imagined. SERV provides food to starving people in villages who have nothing. The cost of a meal? Just 5 cents. Five cents for a full nutritional meal of 688 calories. SERV also assists in building schools, churches, rescuing orphans, rebuilding homes and providing water filtration systems which will give a family of 5 clean drinking water for TEN YEARS!!
I had the opportunity of putting together this simple system for a family during my trip.
Turn a drill bit through a bucket, attach a washer, hose and the filter for instant clean drinking water! (You can donate this system for just $65!)
The smiles and faces of the Dominican people warm my soul. Their spirit shines a light that illuminates all who meet them. Love and Gratitude live here.
Thank You SERV International for blessing me with a life journey that is just beginning. Steve, Joe and Jim: I’m ready for Kenya!
Watch this 4 minute video of my favorite moments from my (first) mission trip to Dominican Republic captured with my Canon 7D.
This IS “Life Change in Action!”
AMAZING Music by MERCY ME: “Beautiful.“
Ready for another great moment?